Olympic Way Community Cultural Centre to be Built by the CHASE Fund

Richard Perkins
12 Dec, 2024

The Groundbreaking Ceremony for the Olympic Way Community Cultural Centre was held on December 4, 2024 in Olympic Gardens, Kingston and the site officially handed over to C&D Construction Ltd to begin construction of the centre.

The Culture, Health, Arts, Sports and Education (CHASE) Fund has allocated $127.5M towards the building of the community centre which is slated to be completed in nine months.
Prime Minister, Dr. the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, who is also Member of Parliament for the area, stated in his remarks that the entire area will be a Community Sports and Civic Centre and that he intends for the centre to focus on STEM training.

“In terms of the existing civic centre, it is already used quite often for training. We are going to now focus on a different kind of training, in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics); we are going to start some classes in computer sciences, particularly in coding. So, I want to turn this into the science and technology centre for this area, so that our young people can find work in a viable field,” he revealed.

Prime Minister, Dr. the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, speaking at the Groundbreaking for the Olympic Way Cultural Community Centre in Olympic Gardens, Kingston on December 4, 2024.

Commenting on the development of the centre, CHASE CEO, W. Billy Heaven shared his vision for the centre.
“We recognize that this centre will be more than just a building. It will be a symbol of our shared commitment to building a stronger, more inclusive community,” Heaven said.

CHASE Fund CEO, Billy Heaven speaking at the Groundbreaking for the Olympic Way Cultural Community Centre in Olympic Gardens, Kingston on December 4, 2024.
Dr. the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, Prime Minister, breaks ground for the construction of the Olympic Way Community Cultural Centre with (from left) Sen. Councillor Delroy Williams, Deputy Mayor of Kingston; Leslie Harrow, Executive Director of the JNHT; Omar Frith, Chairman, CHASE Fund; W. Billy Heaven, CEO, CHASE Fund; and Nicole McLaren-Campbell, former CHASE Director.