
Sherlock Community Cultural Centre

The Sherlock Community Cultural Centre was officially opened on April 20, 2023 in St. Andrew. The multi-purpose building of approximately 5,000 sq. ft was funded by the CHASE Fund at a cost of $46.6 million. It includes space for a music studio, a performance/events hall with stage area, a chess…

Heart Foundation’s Screening Capacity Boosted with help from the CHASE Fund

Kingston, April 14, 2023 -The Heart Foundation of Jamaica’s (HFJ) screening services have received another boost from the CHASE Fund with the donation of a new echocardiogram machine at a cost of $9 million. The machine was officially handed over yesterday by the Chief Executive Officer of the CHASE Fund,…

Kingston Public Hospital Receives 10 Hemodialysis Machines from the CHASE Fund

Kingston Public Hospital Receives 10 Hemodialysis Machines from the CHASE Fund The Kingston Public Hospital (KPH) received 10 new hemodialysis machines, valued at over $30 Million to treat patients with advanced kidney failure. This brings the current number of hemodialysis machines at the hospital to 19. Hemodialysis machines filter wastes,…