
Read Across Jamaica 2024

CHASE Fund Director, Nicole McLaren Campbell, reads to students at the Allman Town Infant School in Kingston for Read Across Jamaica Day. Read Across Jamaica Day is an initiative that is observed islandwide that aims to encourage students to develop a healthy habit for reading. CHASE staff also visited the…

First Laparoscopic Surgeries Performed at the Bustamante Hospital for Children

Pediatric surgery, the delicate art of operating on infants, children, and adolescents, last week witnessed a remarkable advancement with the first laparoscopic surgeries performed at the Bustamante Hospital for Children (BHC).  The appendectomy (removal of the appendix) and cholecystectomy (gall bladder removal) were made possible with the laparoscopic machine, donated…

CHASE Fund Donates 100 Copies of “Vantage Point Jamaica: A Reporter’s Chronicle” to the Jamaica Library Service

The CHASE Fund has donated 100 copies of journalist Earl Moxam’s book, Vantage Point Jamaica: A Reporter’s Chronicle, to the Jamaica Library Service (JLS).  The books were presented to the JLS by Chairman of the CHASE Fund, Omar Frith, at the Manchester Parish Library on February 28, 2024.   CHASE…