
CHASE Supports Mathematics Workshop for Early Childhood Education Teachers

Trisha Williams-Singh, Chairman of the Early Childhood Commission, (left), Heidi Clarke, Executive Director of the Sandals Foundation and Hilary Coulton, Public Relations and Administrative Manager at the CHASE Fund (right), review material related to the Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes®, On Cloud Nine® Mathematics Workshop held at the Terra Nova Hotel on…

Early Childhood Conference

The CHASE Fund provided financial support for the Dudley Grant Memorial Trust Annual Early Childhood Development Conference which was held from November 8-9, 2018 in Montego Bay under the theme – “The Early Childhood Family: Home, School, Community”.  CHASE CEO Billy Heaven, pictured above, opened the Conference.    

Six Great Jamaicans

  CHASE supported the reprinting of Six Great Jamaicans: Biographical Sketches, a compilation of the life stories of Archbishop Enos Nuttall, George William Gordon, Robert Love, Thomas Henry McDermot, Edward Jordon, and Herbert George De Lisser.  Written by Adolphe Roberts, the latest edition contains a new introduction by Matthew Smith.  …