
Pathology Laboratory- Mandeville Regional Hospital

The Pathology Laboratory and storage unit at the Mandeville Regional Hospital was officially opened on December 17, 2020. The laboratory was established by CHASE in partnership with the Lions Club of Mandeville at a total cost of $83M. In a virtual message, the Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr. Christopher…

High Dependency Unit Up and Running at KPH

In five months of operation, the High Dependency Unit (HDU) at the Kingston Public Hospital (KPH) is achieving its objective of lessening the burden on the recovery rooms and the hospital’s intensive care unit (ICU). With a 16-bed capacity, the HDU offers specialist nursing care and monitoring to seriously ill…
Wakefield Primary and Infant Department

CHASE Builds New Building for Wakefield Primary and Infant School

The Wakefield Primary and Infant School in Wakefield, St. Catherine, has been transformed into a model school with the addition of a three-classroom block, staff room, kitchen and sick bay complete with perimeter fencing for its Infant department.  The construction of the building and provision of classroom furniture, kitchen appliances…