
Gym for the JCF Protective Services Division

The CHASE Fund awarded $2M towards the establishment of the JCF gym located at the headquarters of the Protective Services Division in Kingston and officially opened on June 3, 2022.  The gym was named in honour of the late Sergeant Marlon Smith, close-protection officer previously assigned to Minister of Finance,…

St. Joseph’s Teachers’ College Benefits from Music in Schools Initiative

The St. Joseph’s Teachers’ College is singing the praises of the Culture, Health, Arts, Science and Education (CHASE) Fund after becoming one of the most recent beneficiaries of its music in school initiative. The College received a $2 million grant in the 2021/2022 financial year and Acting Principal, Winsome Francis,…

The CHASE Fund provided financial assistance to acquire fixed assets needed in seven children’s homes identified by the Lions Club of New Kingston. The Lions Club through their own fund-raising efforts, will provide the homes on an ongoing basis with replenishable supplies such as food items, school supplies, sanitary products,…