Early Childhood Education

12 Sep, 2012

The CHASE Fund will administer and manage the allocations to satisfy the following objectives:

  • Health screening of children in early childhood institutions
  • Building, upgrading and equipping of early childhood resource centres (including furniture and learning materials)
  • Support for development/manufacture of early childhood materials to enhance the cognitive development of children.
  • Improvement of the nutritional status of pupils in Basic and Infant schools; or Infant schools and Infant departments within Primary and All Age schools.
  • Support the early childhood training programmes both pre service and in-service.
  • Provision of scholarships for specialists training in Early Childhood Education
  • Support for local and regional Early Childhood conferences and public education activities.
  • Institutional strengthening of the National Early Childhood Programme
  • Special provisions to extend resource centre facilities in communities which cannot access parish based centre facilities.
  • Assist communities and charitable and non-profit organizations in providing out-of-school-hours child care.
  • Expand the use of radio and televisions programmes to enrich and support the curriculum.
  • Support research for the development of early Childhood Education Programmes.