Approvals for July 2007

01 Oct, 2012
# Name of Project Amount Approved Category
Sector: Health
1 The Heart Foundation of Jamaica 10,000,000.00 Equipping & Upgrading of Health Facilities
2 Friends Incorporated 4,807,000.00 Equipping & Upgrading of Health Facilities
3 Cornwall Regional Hospital – Refrigerator Centrifuge 3,800,000.00 Equipping & Upgrading of Health Facilities
4 May Pen Hospital – Anaesthetic Dept. 5,859,000.00 Equipping & Upgrading of Health Facilities
5 May Pen Hospital – Physiotherapy Dept. 2,788,915.00 Equipping & Upgrading of Health Facilities
6 HOPE Worldwide 2,000,000.00 Equipping & Upgrading of Health Facilities
7 Portland Aids Association 150,000.00 Equipping & Upgrading of Health Facilities
8 Caribbean Health Research Council 251,000.00 Training
9 Substance Abuse Training – CARIAD 151,719.75 Training
10 Faculty of Medical Sciences – 16th Annual Research Conf. 300,000.00 Training
11 Ionie Whorms Innercity Counselling Centre 520,800.00 Training
12 Family & Parenting Centre – 2nd award 600,000.00 Training
13 Bustamante Hospital for Children – Research on Down Syndrome 540,000.00 Training
14 Monique Campbell 832,000.00 Training
15 Simone Thomas 1,400,000.00 Training
16 Herma Doiley 250,000.00 Medical Assistance
17 Sylvia Grant 31,050.00 Medical Assistance
18 The Hope Institute 97,000.00 Research
19 Malaria Programme 20,000,000.00 Development of Healthy Lifestyles
20 St. Mary Collaborators 106,000.00 Development of Healthy Lifestyles
21 Health Care Marketing 165,000.00 Development of Healthy Lifestyles
22 Eulalee Thompson – LIVE WELL 300,000.00 Development of Healthy Lifestyles
23 UHWI Pathology Dept (Cytogenetics Facility) 10,821,688.00 Development of Healthy Lifestyles
Sector: Arts and Culture
1 Tony Becca – Publication of Book “Souvenirs” 100,000.00 Literary
2 Island Dreams 1,000,000.00 Media/film/Music
3 Ginger Knight’s – Room for Rent – 2nd award 1,000,000.00 Media/film/Music
Sector: Education
1 Tiny Tots Basic School 7,460,000.00 Upgrading of basic school
2 Santoy Basic School 2,664,000.00 Upgrading of basic school
3 Walters Basic School 2,210,000.00 Upgrading of basic school